Moving abroad? A how-to guide
29 October 2024
How to settle in after your move
29 October 2024It might be stretching the point to say that you can make this activity fun. It’s certainly likely to bring a few memories back to the surface! But it’s vital, before moving, to know what you are taking with you. Here’s a simple process to help…
Start with four points of contact
In one room, or perhaps working room-by-room, set a floor area out into four compass points, or divided like you would a pie. Each now has a unique heading as follows:
– Out of date
– Broken beyond repair
– Working but not of use
– To be taken with you when you move
The process of deciding
Smaller items can easily be placed in the relevant area. For larger items, simply put their name on a piece of card and place where it needs to be.
For out-of-date items, like a mobile phone since updated, these can be discarded, taking care of those items that would need to be disposed of safely. However, take a moment to consider if they might be of use to others. The same is true of those items which still work but are not going to be of any use to you. They might be offered to family, friends or work colleagues; or be welcomed by a charity.
Broken beyond repair items again need to be disposed of safely. This leaves you with those items which will be moving with you.
Taking another look
No matter how strong-minded we intend to be, it might be wise to go through the ‘taking with us’ collection again – just to make sure that favouritism or nostalgia isn’t taking the place of common sense!
How can we help?
Once you have decluttered, you can begin to think about packing ready for your move. The team here at Cotswold Carriers have been helping local people with this process for more than four decades. We understand the stresses involved and know how best to get the job done. Contact us now for an obligation-free discussion and quote for your move.